by: Mike Spencer |
Copyright 2005 Octocat Ltd More Americans succumb to the effects of heart disease than any other illness. Rated the number one killer, heart-related ailments are brought about by a variety of circumstances – some of which are preventable. The power that each individual has to ensure their own heart health is amazing, when you consider the factors that play a role in the variety of diseases that target the heart. The fact, then, that one out of every twenty people under the age of 40 suffers from some form of heart disease indicates that too many people aren’t taking their heart health seriously. Factors such as family medical history, menopause, diabetes mellitus and age (for those over 65) are among the risks that are beyond the control of those who may suffer from heart related ailments. Those which are within the scope of control include stress, inactivity, smoking, high cholesterol, obesity and hypertension (high blood pressure). By exercising discipline and reducing or eliminating these factors, your chances of heart disease are dramatically decreased. In addition to the more traditional methods of reducing your risk for such ailments, laughter has also been found to fight heart disease and promote good heart health. Since laughter is a great way to release pent-up stress and tension, this simple act might very well be just what you need to reduce the level of stress that might, otherwise, have a negative impact on your health. According to recent medical information, it’s believed that laughter can also help to fortify the lining of the blood vessels, as well as lowering your blood pressure and heart rate. Believe it or not, tea drinkers also have a decreased risk factor for heart disease. Due to its anti-oxidant properties, this is an ideal beverage – especially for those who don’t eat the proper amount of fruits and vegetables, which also contain anti-oxidants. This type of beverage, in addition to the fruits and vegetables, are rich in natural anti-oxidants and are, therefore, better for your heart health and overall health profile than supplements. The bottom line is that, in order to have more control over the health of your heart, there are specific types of behaviors and activities that you can integrate into your daily lifestyle. These include eating a heart-healthy diet, controlling your weight, smoking cessation, controlling diabetes (if present), maintaining healthy cholesterol levels, controlling blood pressure levels, managing stress and participating in a daily exercise program – either by taking a class, enrolling in a gym or health spa, or designing an exercise plan that can be executed at home. A simple stroll around the neighborhood each day will help to control these potential risk factors. Medical professionals prescribe an hour of exercise each day – seven days a week. Of course, regular medical examinations are a necessary part of your health program, and those who are seeking to reduce their risk of heart disease should be screened for those types of ailments on a regular basis. Early detection can mean the difference between losing your life to heart disease and adding years to your life by taking the necessary measures to restore your heart to good health. About the author: Mike Spencer has been helping people protect their health for many years. To find out how you can help protect your heart and prevent heart disease visit mikes site at: To get access to the full article directory go to: |
Saturday, 25 April 2009
Zeroing in on the Prevention of Heart Disease
Friday, 24 April 2009
by: Theresa |
The Year of the Green Wooden Rooster is upon us. At the stroke of midnight on the 9th of February 2005, the Chinese New Year will be celebrated. Since the year of the Rooster is about to commence, wouldn’t it be nice to have some health resolutions for a healthy Chinese New Year? When you have a never-ending to-do list in today’s fast-paced world, you are becoming busier than ever. Therefore, many other things are dropped down on your priority list. Usually, one of the first ones to drop in the list is health. This should never be the case. There are a lot of creative ways to help keep you in peak condition. Below are some suggested health resolutions to help you get started: 1. Exercise. Exercise offers so many important benefits that it should always be a part of one’s weekly routine. The benefits of regular exercise include a reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, bowel cancer, breast cancer, osteoporosis, and obesity. In addition to feeling better, regular exercise can help ease stress, anxiety and mild depression. 2. Have a healthy diet. Eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily. A healthy diet helps prevent or reduce the severity of diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and can also help reduce the risk of some cancers. 3. Put together a good health care team. This includes a dentist, a nutritionist & a medical doctor to help you keep in shape from head to toe. 4. Get enough sleep. At least six up to eight hours a night will do. 5. Quit smoking and drink alcoholic beverages moderately. 6. Drink at least eight glasses of water everyday. Ever feel sluggish? Based on researches, lack of water is the number one trigger of daytime fatigue. 7. Take time everyday to do something you enjoy. Read, paint/draw, dance, cook, talk to a friend, etc. 8. Feed your soul. People may be healthy physically but the spiritual health should never be forgotten. As the saying goes, “prevention is better than cure and health is wealth.” Whether it is Chinese New Year or not, taking good care of your health is an all-year round obligation that should not be taken for granted. Kung Hei Fat Choi! About the author: For Inquiries about the articles visit |
your guide to Clear heart arteries
by: John Gibb |
Are you trying to achieve clear heart arteries and blood vessels? There are many supplements out on the market available to help you live a more heart-healthy life. In the fast paced world of today it can be hard to maintain a strict heart smart diet, so here are some supplements that can keep your heart healthy and strong. COQ10, an abbreviation for coenzyme Q10, is a compound that can be found naturally produced in the human body. As a co-enzyme, it aids other enzymes functioning. It is needed by every cell in the body to produce energy to digest our food, heal our wounds, and keep our muscles healthy. COQ10 is found in high concentrations in the heart, so it’s best to keep your COQ10 levels high. It has an ability to strengthen the heart muscle and help prevent heart disease and heart attacks. Many patients in hospitals with congestive heart failure’s health markedly improved once they began a COQ10 regimen. It is also an anti-oxidant, helping your body fight off the harmful effects of free radicals on your cell walls. Policosanol is another supplement that can help you maintain heart health. A natural, waxy extract from sugar cane, policosanol helps to lower cholesterol while preventing the formation of lesions in arterial walls and the possibility of heart failure. It is also an anti-coagulant, causing it to be useful for blood thinning. Omega 3 fatty acids: Found in such supplements as fish oil, omega 3 fatty acids are needed by the body for clear mental function and heart health. The American Heart Association even recommends people eat fish purely to get what they need of this valuable nutrient. It has been shown to help prevent coronary heart disease. These are just a few of the many supplements out there you can get to help maintain a clear heart arteries and blood vessels. Hopefully one will work for you! About the author: John Gibb manages An updated website and blog dedicated to quality nutrition. |
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Why You Should Burn Body Fat.
by: Terje Brooks Ellingsen |
Are you overweight? Then you probably want to lose some weight. It is obvious that youll burn body fat by increasing your metabolism. But be sure that what you burn is fat, not muscles. Some statistics After age 25, the average person in America gains one pound or more a year, which means at the age of 50 an average person is 25 pounds or more heavier than he or she was 25 years ago. As you age your metabolism is slowing down, causing your body to burn less fat. Without exercising regularly, the average American loses a pound of muscle each year. A minority of Americans exercise in a significant way, which means less than 50 minutes of exercise per week. Two out of five Americans do not exercise at all. Motivations for weight loss Most people's primary motivation for weight loss is to improve their appearance. Other motivational factors are the many health benefits of proper nutrition and regular exercise. Why obesity is dangerous Reduction of excess body fat plays a vital role in maintaining good health and avoiding disease. Medical evidence shows that obesity poses a significant threat to health as well as to longevity:. Excess body fat is connected to heart disease cancer diabetes gall bladder disease gastro-intestinal disease sexual dysfunction osteoarthritis stroke Why is excess body fat linked to heart disease? About 4/5s of deaths caused by heart disease and cancer, are linked to life-style factors, inactivity included. Your heart has to work harder to pump blood to the lungs and to the extra fat throughout your body. Therefore it takes more energy for you to breathe. This extra workload might cause your heart to become enlarged and high blood pressure and life-threatening erratic heartbeats might be the consequences. Overweight people often also have high cholesterol levels, making them more likely to develop arteriosclerosis. When blood vessels are so narrow that vital organs like the heart, kidneys or brain dont get enough blood, this becomes life-threatening. It might go without saying, but the narrower the blood vessels become, the harder your heart has to pump, which results in increased blood pressure. . High blood pressure itself poses several health risks, like heart attack, stroke and kidney problems. Does excess body fat cause cancer? In general, research has linked cancer-causing chemicals (carcinogens) to excess, actually as a storage place for these. Excess fat has been linked to a higher rate of breast and uterine cancer for women Excess fat has been linked to colon and prostate cancer for men. How is excess body fat related to diabetes? There is a delicate balance between the relative amount of body fat, the level of blood sugar and the hormone we call insulin. Excess blood sugar is stored in the liver and other vital organs, and converted to fat as soon as these organs have got what they need of it. The pancreas of overweight people often produces more and more insulin. The problem is however, that the body is not able to utilize this to regulate its blood sugar levels. This poor regulation of blood sugar and insulin causes an inbalance in the system, which results in diabetes. This disease may in its turn cause heart disease, kidney failure, blindness, amputation, and death. How Reducing Body Fat Reduces Disease Risk At an American University, researchers studied a sample of people following a certain weight management program. This study showed decreased HDL cholesterol levels decreased triglyceride levels, decreased blood pressure. increased waist-to-hip ratio, an active lifestyle can slow or stop the disease process for most people, even those with a history of heart disease in the family. Other studies have shown that programs that includes regular physical activity, low-fat diets stress reduction reverse heart disease processes. while other studies shows that reducing body fat through an active lifestyle and low fat diets mean reduced risk for prostate cancers for men, breast and uterine cancers for women non-insulin dependent diabetes for both genders. So, what shall I do? You have to change to a new lifestyle, by committing yourself to a long term process that gradually will lead you to a healthier life. This process requires persistence and patience, especially in the beginning. If you stay persistent, your new lifestyle will automatically take over, and it will become natural for you. This process will contain moderate, long term fat loss aerobic exercise strength exercise Here is the benefits 90 percent of overweight people following this advice has gained: improved heart function, improved blood pressure, improved glucose tolerance, improved cholesterol levels, lowering requirements for medication, eight times less likely to die from cancer than the unfit, 53 percent less likely to die from other diseases than the unfit eight times less likely to die from heart disease than the unfit people. But, how can I get started? The first phase in such a process has shown to be the hardest it is here most people drop out. The longer you stay in the process, the more likely you are to succeed. And trust me; after you - by means of persistency and patience - have passed this critical start phase, the fun and excitement you gradually will experience will make the change well worth the effort. You must make the decision to commit to this lifestyle changing process. If you ever feel tempted to skip it for a day or even give up, confront yourself with your commitment, and go on. How to stay motivated? Allow plenty of time for the changes. You should give yourself several years for the changes to take place. If you do so, your body will adjust comfortably and the probability of maintaining this healthy lifestyle permanently, will be higher. About the author: Terje Brooks Ellingsen is a writer and internet marketer. He runs the website Terje enjoys to give advice and help people with rapid weight loss, see negative calorie food, see as well as low carb diet. |
What you need to know about heart diseases
by: Mansi gupta |
Heart is the most significant organ of the body. It controls and regulates the entire body. An individual can survive the loss of other organs of body but not of a heart. The moment heart ceases pumping blood to the body, it results in a heart stroke and there are chances that the person may die. But people are often negligent in taking care of this undeniably crucial organ of their body. This is made evident by the studies that reveal the escalating deaths due to cardiac arrests every year. It is not just the elderly who are gripped by cardiac seizures due to their age, which implicates a declining health but also young children, and even infants who are inflicted by heart ailments. The purpose of this article is to make its readers aware of some of the most common cardiac problems, few possible preventions and cures to them and the measures one should adopt to enjoy a healthy heart. 1. Heart diseases- human heart starts malfunctioning due to many reasons. In other words there are different diseases that affect human heart. • Congenital Heart Disease is a very common one. It leads to malformation of heart during prenatal development and other severe complications. Chromosomal abnormalities, transfer of infected genes and environment are the main attributed causes to congenital heart disease. • Coronary Artery Disease is one where heart simply stops pumping blood to the arteries. The blockages or difficulty in the blood flow to the main source of oxygen to the heart muscle i.e. coronary arteries is deemed to be the primary factor that results in this disease. Apart from this the thickening of the arteries called arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure and other problems like asthma, diabetes etc. are the causes of CAD. CAD produces a heart attack and so even the death of the concerned individual. • A viral infection that attacks the pericardium pouch enveloping the heart is the ground for the Pericardial heart disorder. 2. The Roots of Heart Ailment- in most of the cases the individuals themselves are responsible for their cardiac troubles. • Over stress is the biggest threat to a healthy life so much so that it affects even one’s heart. • Faulty food habits i.e. eating more of junk and fattening food rich in cholesterol is the primary reason for a heart attack. • Obesity and lack of physical labor also accentuates cardiac problems. • Heart problems are also hereditary. • Blood pressure patients are more prone to heart attacks. • Alcoholics, smokers and drug addicts have acute possibilities of heart failure. 3. Some Common Cures- it is not likely to prevent every heart problem especially those malformations or diseases that are innate or since the time of birth. They can at best be treated with the aid of surgeries. • Watch your eating and drinking habits. Avoid cholesterol abounding food like butter, cheese, creams, cakes and pastries etc. • Aspirin is deemed to be a potential medicine to ward off cardiac snags. According to physicians aspirin thins the blood and aids in its transfer from heart to other parts of the body. • Pregnant women are advised to keep away from hard drinks, cigarettes and narcotics. Negligence in this regard can be a source of incurable congenital heart disease to the baby. • If you are a sedentary worker, make it a point to exercise daily in order to maintain a healthy living. • Endeavor your best to have a nutritious and balanced diet. • If you suffer from diabetes, blood pressure, asthma or any such disease, go for regular medical check ups to know about the functioning of the internal organs of your body. • Last but not the least, avoid doing things that petrify you and do not favor your health. For instance if altitude or great height scares you, it is not a prudent choice to go for mountain climbing. About the author: Mansi gupta writes about. heart diseases Learn more at |
Weight Loss – The Importance of Low Body Fat
by: Greg Ryan |
When you hear a doctor or a personal trainer say, “Your body fat is too high, or you are borderline obese, what do you think? Does it matter to you? Does it motivate you to lose weight? Or are the numbers on the scale more important to you? Most people will always have a love – hate relationship with the scale in their bathroom. However, with the dramatic increase in diabetes and obesity cases in America the importance of keeping your overall body fat down becomes the most important issue to ones health. What does it mean to be obese? This means that thirty percent or more of your overall body weight is fat. When this occurs, your body has already begun to shut down in many areas. Things that are affected by high levels of body fat are; blood pressure, cholesterol, bone density, energy levels, immune systems and on and on. This is the direct reason for the increase in heart disease, diabetes, and strokes in America. What is happening behind the scenes is this; muscle burns more calories than fat. If you have less muscle then you are going to burn less fat in day. In addition, aging promotes a decrease in muscle mass naturally. The goal is to slow that natural process down. How do you do that? I call this, “Having synergy in your workout and eating plan.” Having synergy in your workout plan is accomplished by incorporating all areas of fitness into your weekly activities. The four main areas are; good eating habits, heart exercising (cardiovascular), strength training (weights) and flexibility training (stretching). When all four areas are working well, you can not help but lower your body fat. When you lower your body fat levels your; blood pressure, stress and cholesterol levels will lower and your strength confidence and stamina will naturally increase. Are the numbers on the scale important? To your brain and ego maybe, but in the greater health of things, not as much as lowering your body fat levels. About the author: LOSE WEIGHT IMMEDIATELY! FREE MINI COURSE click here Discover the common sense way to lose weight with out dieting that the doctor’s DON’T want you to know. Greg Ryan is a best selling author, former employee of Kathy Smith, and high profile fitness expert. |
Weight Loss Surgery – The Benefits and Financial Cost
by: Beverley Brooke |
Generally, weight loss surgery such as the gastric bypass will cost between $20,000 to $30,000 – the clinics do make substantial profits, which is why some you see advertised offer free chauffeurs and even airplane flights to the city and clinic. As in all lines of ‘business’, some surgeries will do all it takes to coax you there, within the law of course. If you’ve opted for weight loss surgery, the cost of such a procedure can be quite daunting. Many people simply can’t afford the surgery without taking out huge loans which could end up crippling them financially. Is the surgery really worth the cost? As with all major decisions in a person’s life, the benefits must be matched and compared with the cost, whether that’s emotionally, physically or financially. With weight loss surgery costing so much, it’s critical that the reasons you’re opting for the surgery are thought through extremely thorough, and in most cases discussed with your doctor. If for example you’re suffering from a number of ailments and conditions because of morbid obesity, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, respiratory problems etc, and with the immediate health concerns morbid obesity brings – possible early death, up to 7 times the risk of death from a heart attack and all the added problems that come with it just trying to operate in society alone, you may feel the cost simply isn’t an issue, but you must work it into your current and future finances. About the author: Article by Beverley Brooke, visit the section on the gastric bypass on her website for more information on weight loss surgery and the gastric bypass |
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Vitamin Supplements – Are they Beneficial or Just Hype?
by: John Tiniakos |
Vitamin supplements have been increasing in popularity and availability over the past 30 years. In North America it has become a multi – billion dollar industry. Vitamin supplements have been hailed as powerful antioxidants that fight against a wide variety of health conditions such as cancer and heart disease. They are also credited with causing reverse affects in the aging process, and enhancing athletic ability. The question is, however, do these claims have substance – or is it a product of the giant corporate machine that preys on society’s fears, fuelled by the media. The media has a tendency to sensationalize certain ideas and findings, often misrepresenting them. This is one process by which consumer trends are created or molded. If this is the case, the following question may be raised. Which food trends are inspired by factual information that is truly beneficial to health? In other words do certain products really deliver on promises made by industry or the media? If not, then who is to blame? The media may be partly to blame for playing up on certain fears, facts or ideas. At the same time the corporations could be partly responsible as well. Where the real problem lies is in miscommunication. These problems would be solved if a reliable and effective stream of communication existed between the scientific community, the government, the media and the corporate world. This is the objective these organizations should be striving for. Until such a system is put into place there will be no accurate way of telling whether the consumer can count on every benefit promised. Now let’s get back to vitamin supplements. In order to find the facts we must go right to the source. In other words we have to look at results from scientific studies. A recent study, that included tens of thousands of subjects, showed that vitamin E and beta carotene supplementation did not lower the risk of heart disease or death from heart disease. Foods, however, that contain antioxidants are still recommended. (1) Over the last twenty years there have been many similar studies with varying results. In fact they have been largely contradicting. And so to this day the subject remains controversial. If you look at the facts as a whole, you will find that vitamin supplements show no clear benefits in healthy people with well balanced diets. On the other hand, in cases of malnutrition or other forms of vitamin deficiencies, vitamin supplementation subscribed by physicians has been proven to be beneficial and essential. Countless studies have proven that vitamins and nutrients from real food sources are much more effective. In fact several key studies were done to determine why certain areas around the world had low incidents of heart disease and cancer. Evidence suggested that these low rates were attributed to diet. And in all these studies vitamin supplementation was virtually nonexistent. These areas of study have included the Mediterranean region, Japan, France, the Arctic, Africa and South America. It was found that these cultures contained diets with foods rich in natural antioxidants. Some of these foods include fresh and cooked vegetables, wild greens, fruits, wine and variety of nuts. Compared to the American diet these diets contained higher contents of unrefined carbohydrates and/or higher fish contents and much lower quantities of red meat, hydrogenated fat and dairy products. One reason why vitamin supplements have become so popular in North America is the type of lifestyle we lead. As a result of our busy, fast – paced way of life we find less and less time to prepare proper well balanced meals. Most of us, therefore, are not getting enough essential vitamins and nutrients from our diet. We are eating too much of the wrong foods and often feel tired and burned out. Instead of improving our eating habits, we get sold on the pitch that we need vitamin supplements to increase strength and vitality. If we had well balanced diets in the first place, we wouldn’t have to throw away large sums of money on supplements, the vast majority of which are completely ineffective. The wiser thing to do is try to incorporate some of these diet patterns that have been proven beneficial to health in the regions mentioned earlier. First of all we must increase fish intake and decrease consumption of red meat. Increase intakes of fruits, vegetables, whole unrefined carbohydrates and decrease amount of simple carbohydrates like sugar and products with white flour, saturated and hydrogenated fats – made from animal sources, margarines, creamy dressings and dips, and gravies. In other words, decrease the amount of processed food. Furthermore, when combining a well balanced diet with regular exercise participation, the health benefits become tenfold. You will become more relaxed and able to sleep better. Your energy threshold will be increased, enabling you to perform at a higher level while feeling less tired. You will lose weight, your health and appearance will improve, and you’ll feel better about yourself. References: 1, “Fighting heart disease: Should you be “pro” or “anti” antioxidants”, retrieved 29 Oct. 2004 from About the author: John Tiniakos helps make weight loss easier through proven weight loss methods using information and analysis from the worlds leading scientists. To subscribe to his free monthly newsletter that includes valuable, up to date tips on diet, weight loss and health visit For more information on his latest ebook “Nulife Natural Weight Loss Program” visit |
Viagra & Blindness Warning
by: Jags Parker |
Viagra & Viagra is synonymous with popularity. Its sales are increasing in leaps and bounds with each passing day. Ever since its existence, it has been able to lure millions of people world wide under its trap. A large number of people are attracted to its efficiency in treating an important sexual ailment – erectile dysfunction (ED). Though this wonder drug has witnessed immense popularity, but in recent times it was also surrounded by a number of controversies. A small number of its users have turned blind after consuming the wonder pill. All of them suffered from a swelling of the optic nerve within 36 hours of taking Viagra for ED. The condition, known as non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION), causes a rapid reduction of vision and in the most serious cases, leads to blindness. NAION is considered one of the most common causes of sudden vision loss in older people. Its risk factors include diabetes and heart disease, which are also two of the leading causes of impotence. But Pfizer, the makers of the blue magic drug which has been used by more than 20 million men since its launch in 1998, said the cases were a coincidence. They’ve termed these accusations as baseless. According to them, the popularity of Viagra is due to its immense health benefits. It has been able to cure millions of ED patients worldwide and brought their sexual life back on track. But in spite of all these, some consumer advocacy groups are asking government to add serious warning labels on Viagra and other ED drugs for the benefits of its users. This positive step can keep its abusers at a distance. It will help in warning its users about its side effects and prove immensely beneficial for its genuine users. So, the proper usage of this drug can revive the dull and uneventful life of aged people forever. About the author: The author is an amateur writer focusing primarily on health related topics or on the health related research findings. For more information on Viagra visit |
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Understanding the Types of Cholesterol
by: Mike Lindsey |
While most people talk about “cholesterol levels” there is in fact more than one type of cholesterol. In fact, there are several different body functions and several different substances that make up our understanding of “cholesterol.” As with some fats, cholesterol cannot be dissolved in the blood. Instead, molecules called lipoproteins carry cholesterol to and from cells. Molecules are made from an outer layer of protein and an inner core of both cholesterol and triglycerides, which is another form of fat. Lipoproteins equip the cholesterol to move around the body. The two main types of lipoproteins are: 1) High Density Lipoproteins (HDL.) • HDL transports cholesterol from cells back to the liver. •HDL is either reused or converts to bile acids and disposed. This is known as "good" cholesterol. You want to ensure that your levels of this cholesterol remain high for optimum heart health, since having too low levels of HDL - even when other cholesterol levels are normal - may lead to heart problems. As you work to lower your “bad cholesterol” it is important to also take steps and to keep your HDL levels normal. • HDL aids to ensure protection from the risk of heart attack and/or stroke. HDL consists of more protein than triglycerides or cholesterol, and aids to remove LDL from your artery walls. 2) Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL.) •LDL carries approximately 60_70% of cholesterol around the body and are known as “bad" cholesterol. • Studies show conclusively that high cholesterol leads to much higher risk of heart attack and/or stroke. Other factors involved in this risk are age, gender, smoking, family history of heart disease, and diabetes mellitus. Obviously, when we speak of having “cholesterol levels” we mean more than one number. To maintain optimum health, you will need to know your levels of both LDL and HDL and will need to work hard to keep both levels in healthy ranges. About the author: For more free information on how to lower cholesterol, please visit our site, 30 Days to Lower Cholesterol |
Understanding Cholesterol Levels and Decrease the Risk of Heart Attacks and Stokes
by: Claire Bowes |
Fact: * heart disease claims about ½ million lives in America per year * high cholesterol levels play a ignificant role in heart disease * studies show if you lower cholesterol levels, the risk of heart disease is reduced by up-to 40% What is Cholesterol? Before we go into how to reduce your cholesterol, let's take a look at what exactly cholesterol is. Cholesterol is a fatty substance that is produced by the liver and its job is to:- * produce bile acids to help with the digestion of fat * build and repair cells and * produce estrogen and testosterone hormones Therefore cholesterol is an important function of the body, but too much cholesterol in the body becomes a risk as it can clog up arteries and this can be the cause of heart attacks and strokes. Cholesterol Symptoms It is surprising to learn that there are virtually no symptoms to diagnose if you have high cholesterol. High cholesterol is normally identified by a blood test. However, if you are having health issues such as coronary disease, vascular disease or stroke, then this could be the end result of high cholesterol levels in your body. Symptoms of: Coronary Disease * Angina * Chest pains * Nausea * Shortness of breath Vascular Disease * A tightening sensation in the lower extremities * Ulcers or open sores on the lower extremities Stroke * loss of balance and dizziness * slurring of speech and difficulty in understanding * numbing sensation of the face, arm or leg * this can be a sudden event with little or no warning People who are overweight and do no exercise at all tend to be the ones with higher cholesterol levels. Therefore, it is recommended that you have a cholesterol blood test every three years if you are overweight and every 5 years if you are a normal healthy weight. How to Lower Cholesterol If your blood test shows that your cholesterol levels are too high, then you should take immediate measures to help lower your cholesterol. Your doctor will advise you on the best course of action, but initially it is the norm for you to follow a low cholesterol diet. A low cholesterol diet is normally a diet which is low in saturated fat and will include eating:- * skinless poultry * lean meats * fish and shellfish * low fat dairy products * fruit * vegetables * whole grain foods Cook your food by either * grilling * baking * steaming * boiling * poaching * microwave Do not fry your food in lard or oil. Your doctor also might prescribe you with a cholesterol lowering medication if he/she feels that the low cholesterol diet will not be enough. About the author: Claire Bowes is a successful freelance writer and owner of website where you can find further information and resources on lowering your cholesterol. |
Ultimate Weight Loss Motivation - Living Longer
by: Jeff Smith |
It's true, when most of us think of the need to lose weight, we think in terms of aesthetics, or how we look? Our weight loss motivation is to imagine what we would look like if we could just lose 20lbs. Unless we are stricken by illness, or told by our doctor to lose weight now, our weight loss goals tend to be to look better, feel better, attract more love and sex into our lives, gain social or career advantages, or defeat the effects of natural aging. Indeed, this is the motivation for the majority of weight loss products and services that create a massive impact on the market. The reality though is that we should also view being overweight as a strong risk factor for disease and ailments. There are many diseases that have proven links with being overweight including: heart disease, forms of cancer, high blood pressure, auto-immune diseases such as arthritis, and emotional diseases such as depression - just to name a small few. It's time that we expand our view on how important succeeding at weight loss is in terms of overall health and base our weight loss motivation on more than just looking better. You control your ability to significantly lower the risk of disease in your life. That should be an extremely powerful motivation behind succeeding at your weight loss program. It does take some work though, since our nature is to focus on the immediate or short term gratification - which is our looks. If your weight loss program has proved unsuccessful, perhaps you have been using the wrong sources for motivation? Try spending some time learning about the impact on your overall health and longevity of succeeding with your weight loss goals. That may just be the hidden weight loss motivation you needed to get over the hump! About the author: Discover the Ultimate Weight Loss Resource Center. You Really Can Lose MORE Weight FASTER -- and keep it off. Find our more about Weight Loss programs, products, diets, recipes, pills and more...Right here: |
Monday, 20 April 2009
Two Substances That May Reduce the Risk Of Cancer
by: Alex Fir |
Food helps us by supplying many vital micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Your genetic composition can make you susceptible to some types of cancer. Your way of eating plays a major role in increasing or reducing the risk of cancer. Phytochemicals are non-nutritive substances found in plants. They protect us against diseases when they are in our body. Isoflavones and Lycopene are phytochemicals. Isoflavones decrease the risk of breast cancer for premenopausal women, while Lycopene decreases the prostate cancer risk in middle aged men. Soya is a great source of Isoflavones like genisteinm and daidzein. Although isoflavones are weak estrogens, the established hypothesis has been that isoflavones exert antiestrogenic effects when placed in a high-estrogen environment (pre-menopausal women) and estrogenic effects when in a low-estrogen environment, (post-menopausal women). Daidzein was found to inhibit the growth of cancer cells in many studies. Genistein: - Reduces the protective mechanisms of cancer cells. - Acts as an antioxidant. - Inhibits several enzymes in cellular signaling pathways. - Increases levels of transforming growth factor-beta' that inhibits the growth of tumor cells. - Inhibits the growth of wide range of both hormone-dependent and hormone-independent cancer cells. Decreased rates of breast, uterus and prostate cancers are associated with Soya consumption because of its antiestrogenic action. Lycopenes: Tomatoes, watermelon and other orange-to-red colored vegetables and fruits like paprika, rose-hips etc. contain abundant lycopenes. A better level of Lycopene is produced from tomatoes when they cooked with olive or canola oil. Lycopenes are natural carotenoids that act as antioxidants. They also block the conversion of food mutagens found in fried, cooked meats and fish in the form of heterocyclic amines. Lycopenes are good inhibitors of cell proliferation and lower the oxidation of LDL-cholesterol thus minimizing the heart disease risk. Lycopenes reduce the risk for stomach, breast, colon, lung and prostate cancer. Both raw and cooked tomatoes have same amount of cancer fighting power. Lycopenes stimulate the enzymes that block the carcinogenic damage to the cell. About the author: Cancer is one of the main causes of death among humans. Visit "Cancer Information", FREE web site to learn more about cancer. |
Two Silver WWW Health Awards
by: Lipidhealth |
The website of the National Lipid Education Councilâ has garnered two silver awards from the 2004 Fall/Winter World Wide Web (WWW) Health Awards Program. The awards for were given in the categories of Best Professional Website and Best Website for Patient Education Information. Twice a year, a panel of international health information and internet experts judge entries based on accuracy, success in reaching the targeted audience, and overall quality. The awards program is organized by the Health Information Resource Center, a national clearinghouse for consumer-health information programs and materials. Throughout the past several years, the NLEC website has been honored with numerous awards from several prestigious organizations. The physician-focused content on the importance of global risk reduction to prevent and manage coronary heart disease has been consistently noted for its timeliness and professionalism. The website offers a variety of CME activities on subjects most valuable to primary-care physicians and cardiologists who treat patients at risk for or with dyslipidemia and CHD About the author: Find more CME help resources online at |
Truths about Diet, Obesity, and $75 Billion
by: Dr. Donald A. Miller |
Sensible diet prevents obesity! Healthy living prevents most diseases! (Unfortunately, old age is not a disease.) These truths should be self evident. Yet recent shock headlines tell us that "medical problems caused by obesity are costing U.S. tax payers $75 billion per year". The human body is a biological machine. We all know that overloading a mechanical machine can cause it to break down, yet we allow ourselves to overload our hearts, joints, and more. Moderate exercise helps "tune up" the machines we live in. Think about it. Many injuries are a direct consequence of being over weight and under exercised! The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tells us, "Seven of 10 deaths, or more than 1.7 million each year, are caused by chronic diseases." and that the major risk factors for chronic diseases are "tobacco use, poor nutrition, and lack of physical activity" with "Obesity is a major contributor to heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and some types of cancer. Recent estimates suggest that obesity is associated with 300,000 deaths annually, second only to tobacco related deaths." "Type 2 diabetes, a major consequence of obesity, has also reached epidemic proportions over the last 10 years." In fact, "adult onset diabetes" is increasing among teens and pre adolescents. Apparently the CDC thinks the commercial food industry does a better job on shaping public opinion than do family discussions. Therefore, they are sponsoring public school initiatives to help children, and their parents, become better educated. If you have access to the internet, you don't have to wait for the CDC education programs. Do your own news watch and research. "Greedy drug companies" have been blamed for our rising health care cost. Perhaps we should look to ourselves for part of the cause. Want some help on getting started? Read "Easy Health Diet" by Dr. Donald A. Miller. This includes tips for on-line research, as well as much diet and health information, with sources. ** Diet with FACTS, not MYTHS. ** About the author: Dr. Miller is author of ""Easy Health Diet""""Exercise for Juniors to Seniors"" numerous free articles on health Seven of ten deaths are caused by preventable diseases. |
Sunday, 19 April 2009
Treatment of Heart Disease with Coenzyme Q10
by: Greg Post |
Since its discovery in the late 1950’s Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) has received much attention as a necessary compound for proper cellular function. It is the essential coenzyme necessary for the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) upon which all cellular functions depend. Without ATP our bodies cannot function properly. Without CoQ10, ATP cannot function. This connection has made CoQ10 a very important object of study in relation to chronic disease. In many cases the presence of chronic disease is associated with inadequate levels of CoQ10. But no area of study has received more attention than the relation between CoQ10 and heart disease. That is because CoQ10 is believed to be of fundamental importance in cells with high metabolic demands such as cardiac cells. A further reason the connection of heart disease and CoQ10 has gained so much attention is because heart conditions of many kinds are associated with chronically low CoQ10 levels. CoQ10 is highly concentrated in heart muscle cells because of their high energy requirements. Add this to the fact that heart disease is the number one killer in developed and developing countries and one can see why the bulk of scientific research on CoQ10 has been concerned with heart disease. Specifically, studies on congestive heart failure have demonstrated a strong correlation between the severity of heart failure and the degree of CoQ10 deficiency. The lower the levels of CoQ10 in the heart muscles the more severe the heart failure. If indeed CoQ10 deficiency is a primary cause of congestive heart failure then, in such cases, the remedy is simple and cost effective; CoQ10 supplementation. Congestive heart failure is a condition where the heart does not pump effectively resulting in an accumulation of fluid in the lungs. Symptoms may include shortness of breath, difficulty breathing when lying flat and leg or ankle swelling. Causes include chronic hypertension, cardiomyopathy (primary heart disease) and myocardial infarction (irreversible injury to heart muscles). Heart muscle strength is measure by the ejection fraction which is a measure of the fraction of blood pumped out of the heart with each beat. A low ejection fraction indicates a weak heart. Several trials have been conducted involving patients with enlarged weak heart muscles of unknown causes. For those of you who like difficult phrases this condition (or variety of conditions) is known as idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. In these trials CoQ10 supplementation was compared to placebo effects. Standard treatments for heart failure were not discontinued. The results were measured by echocardiography (a diagnostic test which uses ultrasound waves to make images of the heart chambers, valves and surrounding structures). The overall results of CoQ10 supplementation demonstrated a steady and continued improvement in heart function as well as steady and continued reduction in patient symptoms including fatigue, chest pains, palpitations and breathing difficulty. Patients with more establish and long-term cases showed gradual improvement but did not gain normal heart function. Patients with newer cases of heart failure demonstrated much more rapid improvement often returning to normal heart function. Papers numbering in the hundreds from eight different symposia have been written and presented on the effects of CoQ10 on heart disease. International clinical studies have also been conducted in the United States, Japan, Germany, Italy and Sweden. Together these studies and the papers that have been derived from them demonstrate significant improvement in heart muscle function while causing no adverse effects. One particular area of study involves diastolic dysfunction which is one of the earliest signs of myocardial failure. Diastole is the phase of the cardiac cycle when the heart is filled with returning blood. Because this phase requires more cellular energy than the systolic phase (when the blood is pushed out of the heart) it is more dependent on CoQ10. Diastolic dysfunction is a stiffening of the heart muscle which naturally restricts the heart’s ability to pump. This condition is associated with many cardiac disorders. Hypertension is among these disorders. As the heart muscles become stiff there is often a corresponding rise in blood pressure. When the diastolic dysfunction is reversed, blood pressure tends to lower as well. In one study involving 109 patients with hypertension, CoQ10 supplementation was added to normal hypertension treatments. In an average of 4.4 months 51% of the patients were able stop using at least one blood pressure lowering medication. Some were able to stop using up to three medications. Another study produced similar results. In that study 43% of 424 patients were able to stop using between one and three cardiovascular drugs because of CoQ10 supplementation. These examples are just a drop in the bucket. Diastolic dysfunction (and by proxy, hypertension) includes only a small sampling of heart conditions that respond favorably to CoQ10 supplementation. Other areas of research show great promise for CoQ10 treatments. Among these are cancer and AIDS. But such conditions are beyond the scope of this essay. CoQ10 is essential to the proper functioning of all cell types. It is not surprising, therefore, to find a diverse number of diseases that respond favorably to CoQ10 supplementation. Since all metabolically active tissues are highly sensitive to CoQ10 deficiency, we can expect to see CoQ10 research expand to many other areas of chronic diseases. About the author: Greg holds degrees in science, divinity and philosophy and is currently an I.T. developer. |
Saturday, 18 April 2009
Top 7 Ways that Exercise Helps Diabetics
by: Katrina McKenna |
Exercise is an important tool in managing your diabetes in order to live a longer, healthier life. 1. Exercise increase insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism. The key problem of Type 2 diabetics is insulin insensitivity, or insulin resistance. By exercising you can improve how well your insulin works; this helps you to control your blood glucose level. 2. Exercise improves your cholesterol levels. Exercise helps by raising the good kind of cholesterol (HDL) and lowering the bad kind of cholesterol (LDL). Exercise can also lower triglyceride levels. This is good news for diabetics as diabetics are at increased risk for cardiovascular disease. I myself have had cholesterol problems, but between proper diet and exercise and no drugs, I now have a much healthier cholesterol levels. 3. Exercise can decrease blood pressure. Many diabetics also have hypertension or high blood pressure. Exercising can reduce both your resting blood pressure and your blood pressure during effort (including exercise). This is very important for reducing your chances of heart disease and stroke. I also used be on blood pressure medication, and have been able to get off the drugs. Because of the strong genetic component, this took more than just diet and exercise; I take several supplements specifically to help keep my blood pressure in the healthy ranges. I also work on stress management and meditate, but exercise is a key ingredient to lowering it in most people. 4. Exercise can also improve heart efficiency, and help it work less. This also helps with the cardiovascular risk factors. You will be able to exercise harder and it does not feel harder. This will make performing your daily tasks easier. Many people do not exercise because they think they do not have the energy. They need to exercise to get the energy. Your resting heart rate can also lower. 5. Exercise can improve your mood. Diabetes can be a stressful disease, exercising can help you feel better mentally. Exercise can even improve depression which can be an issue with a disease like diabetes. 6. Exercise aids dramatically in weight-loss and maintaining weight-loss. Specifically, the right kind and right amount of exercise aids in fat-loss and preservation of muscle tissue. Losing weight can improve blood pressure, insulin resistance, glucose levels, and cholesterol levels above and beyond what exercise alone does. 7. Exercise helps you to reduce your chances of diabetic complications. Better control of your blood glucose helps prevent serious complications of diabetes, including blindness, neuropathy, and kidney failure. Please talk to your doctor and start exercising! You will feel so much better! About the author: Katrina McKenna is the leading diabetes and heart disease fitness expert. She is the author of the upcoming book "Diabetes Secrets: How You Can Lose Weight, Control Your Blood Sugar, Look Great and Feel Great with Diabetes". For more information and to subscribe to her free Health and Fitness Journal please go to: |
Thirty Minutes of Exercise a Day Keeps the Doctor Away
by: Matt Ream |
“Exercise is good for you!” If you had a dollar for every time you heard this statement uttered, you'd be rich by now, right? Well, proponents of everyday physical activity aren't just blowing smoke when they repeat this mantra. Medical research has uncovered resounding evidence to back up this “good for you” claim. In fact, the U.S. Surgeon General, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the National Centers for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion all recommend the same thing when it comes to regular exercise: American adults should aim for 30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity physical activity on most, and preferably all, days of the week. Inquiring minds want to know, so how exactly will daily exercise impact your health and well-being? Regular physical activity positively affects not only your body but also your mind. That's right: Exercise simultaneously improves your physical, your emotional and your psychological health. In fact, it's a triple-threat combatant against the physical and mental disorders Americans most often face: heart disease, diabetes, stroke, stress, anxiety and depression, just to name a few. When industry experts stand in staunch agreement, you know it's time to focus your attention on their advice and take their concurring counsel to heart. To that end, consider daily exercise's benefits as purported by three of the leading medical sources: the American Heart Association, the Surgeon General's Report on Exercise and Fitness Management magazine. The American Heart Association (AHA) lists a reduction in the risk of heart disease at the top of its daily physical activity benefit list. Exercise improves circulation throughout the body and lowers cholesterol, thereby decreasing the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke. The AHA also touts exercise's ability to counteract the health problems plaguing today's young people: obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and poor lifestyle habits. In so doing, it prevents the conditions that lead to heart attacks and strokes later in life. The U.S. Surgeon General, while echoing the AHA's claims, narrows down physical activity's benefits into specific categories. Overall, he maintains that exercise reduces one's risk of dying prematurely, but explicitly mentions a reduction in heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, colon cancer, depression and anxiety and obesity among its lifesaving advantages. According to the U.S. Surgeon General, healthier bones muscles and joints as well as improved psychological well-being are some of the other benefits regular exercisers enjoy. In an article entitled “The Psychological Benefits of Your Exercise Program,” Fitness Management magazine further details physical activity's favorable effects on emotional and mental health. In particular, the article cites the following psychological advantages of exercise: 1) It reduces feelings of anxiety, worry, self-doubt and uncertainty about the future; 2) It lower stress levels and the accompanying physical complaints, such as headaches and muscle tension; 3) It energizes, thereby enhancing one's mood; 4) It improves sleep quality; and 5) It improves one's self-image and -confidence by keeping weight down and elevating mood. So, while an apple a day is still sound advice, it seems exercising every day is the new and improved ticket to keeping the doctor away. About the author: RYP Sports exists to help you 'Raise Your Pulse' by participating in regular physical activity. Visit http://www.raiseyourpulse.comfor the best in fitness information and products. |
Thinking outside the box concerning congestive heart failure.
by: Greg Post |
“Think outside the box!” These words show up in commercials, boardrooms, operating rooms and casual conversations. They have become the calling card of the young creative hotshot trying to secure an impressive position in a choice company. They mark the inventive thinker and condemn the one doing everything in the same old fashion. For the most part we live in a world where new is better and change in and of itself is considered a good thing. But there are some boxes in which our thinking seems to be locked. I have in mind one particular box which conforms us to the idea that health is a matter of fixing problems after they present themselves. There is no doubt that medical science has advanced at a remarkable rate. We are daily finding cures for diseases that have plagued us for all history. But medical science is not the savior of careless living. It is time to think outside the box of waiting until there is an evident problem before we do anything about it. Or perhaps it is more accurate to say that we should return to the box that says, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” One case in point, among many others, is demonstrated by the rise in heart disease in developed and developing countries. In particular to this article is the increase in incidence of congestive heart failure. Congestive heart failure is not so much a disease as it is the end result of heart degradation. Sometimes the cause is not known. But most often it is caused by one or more long-term ailments that stress the heart to the point that it simply can not function properly. Here is an example. Perhaps a patient has lived with elevated blood pressure for many years. Long-term hypertension is one of the leading causes of CHF. The patient might make some efforts to reduce his blood pressure but is not overly concerned about it. After all, we live in a high speed world. Hypertension is common among the hard working. It becomes an acceptable part of every day living in the modern world. But high blood pressure is one common condition that works for years to wear on the cardiovascular system resulting in a number of serious ailments, not the least of which is congestive heart failure. The fact that something does not kill us in a week does not logically imply that it will not kill us. Hypertension causes the heart to work harder ultimately weakening it over time. The weakening of the heart coupled with a vascular system not conducive to efficiently transporting blood due to hypertension and atherosclerosis (clogging of the arteries) can only lead to trouble. The heart gets to the point that it simply can not keep up with the work load. The patient then turns to medical science for a cure; or perhaps a miracle. Twenty years of neglect, and even abuse, is expected to fade away with the swallowing of a few pills. The blood pressure example is just that, an example. Atherosclerosis is another. Atherosclerosis comes from the Greek words athero (meaning gruel or paste) and sclerosis (meaning hardness). The combination of the two meanings provides a rather gruesome picture of a hard paste (plaque) being deposited in our blood vessels. Not a pretty sight from any angle. When plaque buildup sufficiently restricts blood flow to the major organs serious repercussions can occur not the least of which is heart attach, stroke or long-term congestive heart failure. It is believed by many scientists that atherosclerosis begins when damage occurs to the innermost layer of the artery. Such damage can be caused by high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes and obesity. It stands to reason, then, that controlling these conditions can go a long way toward reducing the effects of atherosclerosis and, by logical inference, congestive heart failure. There are many more possible examples that could be given. The above represent only a couple common possibilities. But notice even in these two examples the amount of overlap. High blood pressure affects atherosclerosis buildup. Smoking has an effect on both conditions. It is the same with other conditions as well. The same, then, is also true with treatments. Taking steps to control one area of heart health usually provides beneficial results in other areas. And these benefits in return aid in prevention and treatment of CHF. So what magical steps can we take to reduce the likelihood of developing CHF? No magic. In a sense what we need to do is to stop thinking inside the box of waiting until there is a health problem before we do anything about it. But in so doing, we need to return to an even older box; the box of prevention. Health is, in a large part, a matter of lifestyle. Why is heart disease, and particularly congestive heart failure, on the rise in developing countries? One word: Lifestyle. While medical science is working to reduce the impact of heart disease we are working to increase its impact. The first major factor to concern us is the lack of exercise. Most of us have jobs that exercise our brains but not our bodies. This is especially the case for those of us who are in the busy time of our lives while building careers and raising children. It is difficult to add an exercise regimen on top of all the other responsibilities that scream for our time. However, being physically fit influences much more than the strength of our muscles. The whole body requires conditioning to function properly and heart health is no exception. Diet is perhaps the main culprit in the rise of heart disease. Face it, with all the advertisements on the radio and television promoting low fat diets and healthy eating we still don’t listen. We are in a hurry so we eat what is convenient and tasty. High cholesterol, high fat diets simply do not promote heart health. They promote hypertension and atherosclerosis, both major factors in the development of CHF. Not only do we take in way too much of the bad stuff we don’t get nearly enough of the good stuff. Most of the vegetables in the average American diet come from French fries. And most of the fruits are found in the form of bottled drinks that boast 10% real fruit juice. If we treated our cars this way they wouldn’t last long enough to pay off the loan. Even for those that make an effort to eat well there is an additional obstacle. Farming techniques often do not produce the nutritious foods that were once available. Hormonally adjusted livestock and chemically fertilized crops are not as healthy as their organically raised counterparts. Even nutritious crops begin losing their nutritious value as soon as they are picked. Fruits and vegetables that are stored and shipped over an extended period of time provide only a fraction of their original benefit. So what are we to do? In addition to reducing the amount of fat and cholesterol there should be a concerted effort to add ample fruits and vegetables to the diet. Of course the organically grown varieties are superior. But they are not an option for everyone. However, in most places it is possible to buy produce that is locally grown. This usually means that less time passes between harvest and consumption reducing vitamin loss. Growing your own produce is a great alternative if you have enough space. Fish, especially cold water fish, has long been known to aid in heart health. Cultures which include fish as a significant part of the diet have demonstrably lower incidence of heart disease than cultures that eat little fish. The Omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish oils have been shown in numerous studies to reduce heart disease of many types. Even in the best diets there are holes. Consider a good dietary supplement regimen. Many studies have verified the usefulness of supplementing for the reduction and prevention of a number of diseases including heart diseases like CHF. The particulars of these studies are beyond the scope of this essay. But one thing should be emphasized. Choose good vitamin supplements. Good supplements are manufactured much the same way as good produce is grown. Chemical equivalents are not really equivalents. The test tube may not know the difference but the body does. The efforts taken to reduce the likelihood of heart disease are very much worth it. We must get out of the think tank that allows us to neglect heart health while trusting medical science to bail us out when trouble strikes. About the author: Greg holds degrees in science, divinity and philosophy and is currently an IT developer. |
Things You Should Know About Vitamin K’s Unique Power
by: Novi White |
How well do you know about vitamin K? This vitamin is probably not as popular as other vitamins. But still you need this vitamin for your health. So, never underestimate vitamin K! Without vitamin K you will be in miserable. In fact, vitamin K is one of the most extraordinary anti-aging vitamins ever discovered. A research shows that vitamin K has unique powers, not only to help blood coagulate or to make you look younger, but also has so many other benefits. Let see what vitamin K benefit are! You may surprise how vitamin K can prevent heart disease and osteoporosis at the same time. This is unusual things compare to other vitamin. Beside that, the antioxidant in vitamin K is stronger than other vitamin which is believed can treat certain kinds of cancer. The researcher is still doing some more tests on this matter. More to Know about Vitamin K How can vitamin K prevent heart disease and osteoporosis at the same time? You imagine vitamin K that could keep calcium in bones and out of arteries. That vitamin could stop heart attack and osteoporosis at the same time because it works by regulating calcium. Bones need it, arteries can't stand it. Vitamin K accommodates both. Vitamin K aids in the production of prothrombin, a compound required for normal clotting of blood and is necessary for proper bone formation. Are you curious where do you get this vitamin K from? Actually, there are some foods contain vitamin K which fortunately can be bought easily in the market. Vitamin K is found in a variety of foods such as Brussels sprouts, chopped broccoli, cauliflower, Swiss chard, spinach, loose-leaf lettuce, carrot, green beans, asparagus, egg, strawberry, avocado, and peapods. Other significant sources would be soybean oil, olive oil, cottonseed oil, and canola oil. Well, here is a tip: the greener the plant, the higher the Vitamin K inside it. Got that? How much vitamin K you should take? Although, it is still in question, some said that the standard dietary allowance for Vitamin K is about 1 mcg per 2.2 pounds of body weight per day or about 65 to 80 mcg per day for most adults. But that is also depend on age, diet, and what stressors are present. But you no need to worry if having too much vitamin K in your body. High amounts of vitamin K will not cause your blood to overcoagulate. Coagulation proteins only have a certain number of spaces for vitamin K. Once those spaces are filled, vitamin K cannot affect coagulation proteins. If you feel you don’t get enough vitamin K from your foods, it’s easy for you to have supplement vitamin K. It’s available online, and easy to order. Why not order now, your vitamin K adequate can soon fulfill with supplement vitamin K that will come to you. Happy healthy life!!! About the author: Novi White writes health articles on various publications. She has been working with doctors for their research publications. You can visit her Website at |
The Truth about C Reactive Protein and Cholesterol Lowering Drugs
by: Dan Ho |
You might disagree with me, but hear me out on this... The drug companies know what they want you to think. They want you to think that the only reliable predictor for heart disease is an elevated low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol level, and the best way to decrease your risk to take "statin" drugs such as Zocor and Lipitor. Cholesterol-reducing medications are among the highest-grossing pharmaceutical products ever, so drug companies want to lead you to their medications. But an elevated LDL-cholesterol level is not the only predictor of heart disease. It's not even the best predictor--that honor goes to a little known test that looks for elevated levels of C-reactive protein. What is C-reactive protein? C-reactive protein is produced by the body during times of inflammation. Doctors are not exactly sure why some people have elevated C reactive protein and others have normal levels, but they do know that high C reactive protein is linked to higher rates of heart disease, stroke, heart attack, and sudden cardiac death. Traditional doctors agree that a test for C-reactive protein is a better measure of a person's risk for heart disease than cholesterol. The New England Journal of Medicine reported in November of 2002 that elevated C reactive protein predicts cardiovascular problems better than elevated LDL-cholesterol. The American Heart Association agrees. How Is Elevated C Reactive Protein Determined? The test to determine C-reactive protein levels is quite simple. A blood sample is taken, and the sample is analyzed in the laboratory. It's a test that's neither expensive nor invasive. Even though doctors agree that C-reactive protein is such a powerful predictor for heart disease, the simple test is not often offered to patients. Why? They don't ask for it. Commercial advertising (supported by pharmaceutical companies who make money from lowering people's cholesterol levels) leads patients to ask their doctors to prescribe cholesterol-lowering statin drugs. They rarely ask about C-reactive protein tests and remedies because it's not a big-money business. What Home Remedies Treat High C Reactive Protein? Drug companies that sell statin drugs know that they could lose money if people start worrying more about their C-reactive protein levels than they do about their LDL-cholesterol levels. They are quick to point out that studies show that the same drugs used to lower cholesterol will also lower C-reactive protein. However, these drugs are both expensive and dangerous. Muscle reactions have left patients severely disfigured, and even physicians are questioning the wisdom and efficacy of widespread use of statin drugs. Happily, natural healing offers many ways to keep C-reactive protein levels in the healthy range. These methods can be used to lower elevated C reactive protein, or to maintain good heart health. Even better, natural methods for reducing C-reactive protein have been proven by scientists to be as good as or better than drug therapy at combating C-reactive protein. Diet--Healthnotes Newswire reported the conclusions of one study that showed that making several positive changes to one's diet could significantly reduce C-reactive protein levels. Adding plant sterols, insoluble fiber, soy protein, and almonds to the low-fat, vegetarian diets of test subjects helped reduce C-reactive protein levels by 28 percent more than a control group fed a low-fat, vegetarian diet. Other studies have found links between increased consumption of whole grains and reduced C-reactive protein levels. These studies show that subjects who ate more simple carbohydrates had higher C reactive protein levels than subjects who ate more complex carbs. Supplementation--Vitamin and mineral supplements have also shown to be an inexpensive, effective weapon against C-reactive protein. Niacin--Niacin is a B-complex vitamin that works so well to lower cholesterol and C-reactive protein that it is regulated by the FDA and available by doctors in prescription strengths. Consumers can also buy high-quality B-complex vitamins, which have many other benefits, from any health food store. Coenzyme Q10 and Vitamin E--Supplementing with vitamin E will reduce your C-reactive protein levels and enhance your health. Scientists have recently proven that combining vitamin E supplementation with coenzyme Q10 is even more effective, and can reduce C-reactive protein levels by as much as 30 percent. Conclusions It's still a good idea to make the diet and lifestyle changes that will lower your LDL-cholesterol levels. Reducing your intake of trans and saturated fats will help you live a longer life. If you're concerned about your risk of coronary disease, though, focus on you C-reactive protein levels. Ask your doctor for a blood test to determine your level of C-reactive protein. If it's high, talk to your physician about using diet and exercise, along with nutritional supplementation, to lower your C-reactive protein levels and your risk of heart disease. References "Comparison of C-Reactive Protein and Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Levels in the Prediction of First Cardiovascular Events." Paul M. Ridker, M.D., Nader Rifai, Ph.D., Lynda Rose, M.S., Julie E. Buring, Sc.D., and Nancy R. Cook, Sc.D. The New England Journal of Medicine. 347:1557-1565, Nov. 11, 2002. "Inflammation, Heart Disease and Stroke: The Role of C-Reactive Protein." "Dietary Changes Can Reduce Cholesterol and C-Reactive Protein as Much as Medication." About the author: Dan Ho is chief editor of both and Nutritional Supplement Info Spotlight, which offers unconventional and unique solutions for common health issues. Claim your FREE subscription now at |
Friday, 17 April 2009
The risk of ischemic heart disease with low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets
by: Michal R. Pijak |
There is convincing scientific evidence that type of fat have a more important role in determining the risk of coronary heart disease(CHD) than total amount of fat in the diet. (1) However, because of misleading presentation of epidemiological data by some authors(1), the readers might be left with the impression that low-fat, high- carbohydrate diet is the best option for patients with CHD risk. In fact, high- carbohydrate diets, in the absence of weight loss, can lead to both elevated triglyceride and reduced HDL cholesterol, effects that may be associated with increased risk for CHD. (2) Although these effects may be lessened with dietary fiber and moderate physical activity, they appear to be worse among individuals with insulin resistance. (3) As reviewed by Kris-Etherton (4) adverse metabolic effects of low fat diet do not occur with substitution of monounsaturated (MUFA) or polyunsaturated (PUFA) fatty acids for saturated and trans-fatty acids. This is also the case for individuals with diabetes, with the added benefit of better glycaemic control. (5) As predicted by metabolic studies, replacement of saturated fat, and even more so trans fatty acids with either PUFA or MUFA was associated with a larger reduction in risk of CHD than simple reduction of total fat consumption.(6) With respect to weight control, a moderate-fat diet can be as, or even more, effective that lower-fat diet. (6) References 1. Hu FB, Manson JE, Willet WC. Types of dietary fat and risk of coronary heart disease: a critical review. J Am Coll Nutr 2001;20:5-19. 2. Fung MA, Frohlich JJ. Common problems in the management of hypertriglyceridemia. CMAJ 2002;167:1261-6. 3. Jeppesen J, Schaaf P, Jones G, Zhou MY, Chen YD, Reaven GM. Effects of low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets on risk factors for ischemic heart disease in postmenopausal women. Am J Clin Nutr 1997;65:1027-33. 4. Kris-Etherton PM, Kris-Etherton PM, Binkoski AE, Zhao G, Coval SM, Clemmer KF, et al. Dietary fat: assessing the evidence in support of a moderate-fat diet; the benchmark based on lipoprotein metabolism. Proc Nutr Soc 2002;61:287-98. 5. Rivellese AA, De Natale C, Lilli S. Type of dietary fat and insulin resistance. Ann N Y Acad Sci 2002;967:329-35. 6. Krauss RM, Eckel RH, Howard B, Appel LJ, Daniels SR, Deckelbaum RJ et al. AHA Dietary Guidelines: revision 2000: A statement for healthcare professionals from the Nutrition Committee of the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2000;102:2284-99. About the author: Dr. Michal R. Pijak is a consultant in rheumatology, allergy and clinical immunology at the University Hospital in Bratislava, Slovakia |
There Is Something Fishy About Triglycerides
by: Greg Post |
I get a kick out of those commercials which portray conversations at the kitchen table or in the locker room in ways that we don’t normally see. Two women sipping coffee from pretty china cups might naturally start discussing headache medications or hygiene. Men might forgo the normal locker room banter for the much superior topics of foot care or that insurance that only a duck can seem to remember. Some people even get so excited about their cholesterol that they stop perfect strangers on the street to announce significant reductions in their own cholesterol levels. Some of these commercials give us an excuse to leave the room for more pressing matters, while others make us smile in appreciation of their creativity. But there is one thing they have in common. They direct our attention to topics of great importance that we don’t naturally discuss. High cholesterol is one such topic. Fortunately cholesterol is getting more press these days. Not only do television commercials and news reports discuss the dangers of high cholesterol, but even cereal boxes are preaching the message. Cholesterol is not the only enemy of heart health that is attracting more attention. Triglycerides are gaining notoriety in the public eye as adversarial to a healthy heart. Though triglycerides might not be the topic of choice in the average locker room I think it is safe to assume that it is of greater importance than the majority of subjects that occupy center stage in that arena. Whether or not we choose to speak of such things most of us know something of their importance and secretly hope they do not become an important factor in our lives or in the lives of those we love. But sticking one’s head in the proverbial sand is hardly proactive and does nothing to avoid potential problems. If triglycerides are an important health concern we should face the problem eye to eye and take action in true Western style. Many doctors have not been alarmed with high triglyceride levels in their patients as long as cholesterol levels and other components of the lipid profile are within an acceptable range. That is because many believe that triglyceride levels alone do not adversely affect the heart. However, some studies are beginning to alter that thinking. For example, one study at the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore demonstrated that people who are middle-aged or older having triglyceride levels above 100 are twice as likely to suffer from a heart attack, die from a heart attack or undergo treatment related to heart health than are people with triglyceride levels below 100 (Journal of the American College of Cardiology, May 1998). When we consider that triglycerides below 150 are within the accepted “normal” range we have cause to rethink the importance of triglycerides. Heart health is not the only thing affected by triglycerides. A report in the Journal of the American Heart Association stated that high triglycerides are associated with ischemic stroke and transient ischemic attacks (TIA). This conclusion came from an eight year study involving 11,177 patients with coronary heart disease and no history of stroke or TIA. Those patients who later suffered from strokes or TIAs had higher than average levels of triglycerides and lower than average levels of HDL cholesterol. There is no lack of research supporting the thesis that high triglyceride levels, either in conjunction with other risk factors or as an independent risk indicator, puts one in a more dangerous position in relation to heart attack or stroke. There are many folks who would ignore this fact even if a duck could learn to say “Triglycerides”. But what about the rest of us? Some of us are concerned. What can we do? In the early 1970's two Danish researchers observed that Eskimos had diets very high in fatty fish. They expected to find that these people would have high incidence of heart disease. In fact they found the exact opposite. It was discovered that the blood platelets of Eskimos were not as sticky as those of their European and American counterparts. The researchers attributed this "non-sticky" characteristic to the omega-3 fatty acids consumed in the Eskimos' diet. Further studies have brought increased knowledge of the effects of fish oils and especially omega-3 fatty acids for the reduction of blood pressure and fat in the blood. Studies continue to uncover the positive effects that omega-3 fatty acids have in the treatment of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, asthma and arthritis. Concerning heart health, fish oils decrease the risk of sudden death from arrhythmia, decrease blood clotting, reduce atherosclerosis, help lower blood pressure and improve arterial health. More particular to this essay is the fact that study upon study has demonstrated that the fish oils in cold water fish have triglyceride reducing powers. It is no wonder the American Heart Association since the year 2000 has been preaching the importance of healthy adults eating fish. But what about unhealthy adults already struggling with high triglycerides? The answer that many researchers are giving is, “Eat more fish.” Or more precisely, ingest more omega-3 fatty acids. People who have elevated triglycerides may need 2 to 4 grams of EPA and DHA (omega-3 fatty acids) per day provided as a supplement. High levels of omega-3 can not be ingested through diet alone. You should consult a physician to discuss taking supplements to reduce heart disease risk. Patients taking more than 3 grams of omega-3 fatty acids from supplements should do so only under a physician’s care. Let’s face it. Our diets are not nearly what they should be. It isn’t just about calories, carbohydrates and thin waistlines. Our hearts need more omega-3. If you are a fish lover then indulge your fantasies. Eat more. If you don’t love the slimy little creatures then fish oil supplements might be your answer. Perhaps what we need is not a talking duck. Perhaps a talking trout would be more apropos to get the message out. But I suppose that would be counter productive for the trout. About the author: Greg holds degrees in science, divinity and philosophy and is currently an I.T. developer. For more information on triglycerides and fish oils see: |
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